Special Report

 Special Report - A Series

Things aren't quite right, you can't put your finger on it. Just little things, could of swore you locked the back door.

Wasn't the milk in the fridge? Now where did my fork go, I was just eating with it. If your spouse has just died most of us attribute this to absentmindedness from the stress of the recent lifestyle changes. But things get worse, you really can't remember where you put things. Still, you rationalize, must be getting old or the depression, perhaps you hear strange noises, babies crying or kittens meowing under the house.

The house you always kept spotless, is slowly becoming a mess. You seem to lose hours just sitting, your not feeling well.

Seems like your health is getting worse, your withdrawing from friends, losing track of time and worse yet your finances. You did make a purchase at Lowes but you don't remember two in one month, or the grocery store nine purchases when you thought there was seven, your money is disappearing.  Even you can call your card company and the investigator will tell you that the purchases were made by you, don't let this reassure you as thieves work off your own internet.  Are you suddenly having problems with external relationships? Is your yard a total mess despite having been completely clean weeks before?

Have you noticed things keep breaking one after another, you start to wonder where all this is coming from.  The noises are louder, you hear banging and crawling and get nervous so you mention it to others. People start to think you are paranoid or on medication. Your friends and family think you are crazy and people you don't know or interact with start to say publicly you are crazy.....you start to think maybe you are?   No, your not.....this problem goes back years and years, just it has gone higher tech.  By creating an environment of chaos around you, your attempts to get help will be difficult. Basically your cries of harassment, property damage and missing funds will go un-heeded especially when you can not specifically state who is harassing you.  Keep in mind that the personal chaos created around you is simply a distraction.  Thieves that target individuals  need to create an environment that you are distracted and forgetful in.

Why would you not notice the extra charge or the small items on your statements?  Because you are distracted by personal problems would be a major reason.

Stimulus checks are coming soon, this is a major event for us but also for thieves.

Everything in your life is a mess, your home and family is falling apart.  Your once happy family is no longer happy and you can't figure out why they are suddenly not getting along, debt is piling up, disasters occurring daily, it feels like your life is spinning out of control. Get a grip and get off the merry-go-round.  A few simple steps can help you. Go back to day one.

How does this happen? It is so slow and gradual you hardly noticed.  Problems mimic natural occurrences yet by sheer volume you start to wonder. (No, it is not normal for your washer, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave to go out within days of each other no matter how old they are. )

You will see in the study below, that most don't know who their stalkers are. Think back to the last time things were normal and what occurred then. For example let's say you are a stay at home mom involved in your children's activities, caring for your home and aged spouse. Perhaps you don't get involved with the community much but your daughter is outgoing and doing great with a home cookie business.  Next thing you know she is crying, hasn't been able to sell any cookies for weeks and everyone treats her badly. Now you are labeled as thieves.  Your angry and spend a lot of time defending yourself yet the situation that should have ended immediately escalates out of control.  How does this happen? Think back and perhaps realize your daughter had some competition. Many are losing jobs in today's economy, perhaps you have a neighbor who recently lost a job and started a home cookie business.  Perhaps the neighbor only spread a few rumors to get the business, that the kitchen was dirty or little white lies.  This neighbor may have only wanted the business and may be unaware of the snowball that started.  What starts from small beginnings,  others get involved and sometimes innocently escalate simply to have something interesting going on in the community feed.  This is the perfect situation for thieves to step into, generally they target those who are being gossiped against and have some kind of initial disagreement going on in the community as they do need to employ other's help and they do this without the other person really knowing what's going on.

Focusing on this point is important, the small loss of business you have or dispute with HOA over flowerbeds,  a neighbor over a property line because he measured from his grass line rather than through the woods to his actual property line is not important, these can be mitigated with communication.  What is important is that chaos has been generated, tempers are flared and personal distraction created.  Now your bank and health is likely under attack.  You can not ignore the small signs. Chances are thieves have jumped in and quite simply you have become a target.

With all the distractions, when is the last time you checked your card statements?  Were you so mad at your neighbor you simply skimmed it? Do not simply top read, click on each item to see details as without doing this, you easily miss discrepancies.  Chances are, you will find small amounts that puzzle you but not enough you think to be sure of.  It is important to file reports with the police even if it is only two dollars.  When you file a report, make sure these are backed up with actual evidence such as you were physically in one state while ordering pizza in another or that the Lowe's purchase on your account despite showing your internet was made in the state of Washington almost 3000 miles from your location and says in store purchase.

If you are procrastinating as you are questioning everything in your mind still, how do you know for sure? If you keep a log of your activities, and start to match this against your finance log, (click the link for a good banking alternative), take pictures  of your room and where things are, you'll find your not crazy at all, your being group or gang stalked by thieves.   It is a good idea to install cameras and tell no one, not even family as conversations are picked up and once cameras are located they are easily gone around.  Don't bother buying those light bulbs you can put on your porch, these thieves are familiar and look for such. Try putting small police cams in trees, your fence etc, out of the way places. These small cameras with a chip and good batteries can last several days.

It is more common than most think and hundreds of thousands of dollars can come out even a small community with no one the wiser.  Still, why would they be bothering me you think. Perhaps you have a tiny income or none at all. There can be many reasons, your small amounts you are losing x 100 people monthly ongoing can be a great deal of money with very little risk to getting caught. These small amounts don't stay small for long either, it will escalate to larger amounts.

Don't forget it does not have to be about the amount of cash you have, thieves can use your credit extensively even for large items such as a car or home purchase.  These they quickly resell, usually same day and are rarely caught.

 You can not let this continue as the devices used to scan your computer for the stores you visit, lasers used to scan credit cards can seriously affect your health.  One man had a heart attack from high sound waves being sent in, these come from listening devices as thieves want to keep tabs on your activities.  This is the high tech way of robbing you. The old days of a thief grabbing a purse and running are over with as no one carries cash anymore. Sound waves in high decibels cause forgetfulness, give you ear and balance problems, blood problems, and can severely affect your brain and even cause death.  Recording of sirens or barking dogs can cause you to lose sleep, sleep deprivation is one of the worst for our health but also severely affects memory. How do they slip in and wreck havoc? Believe it or not, most come in under the floor.  Did you know the high tech looking glasses to see where you are and where your assets are located  put out high amounts of radiation causing hair loss are way worse.  Radiation exposure can even lead to cancer and/or death.

Purchases can be made off your card in sync with your daily routine so you don't even notice.  Have you ever paid for gas and a soda and later in the month seen another small charge a minute later, perhaps 4.00. Of course they are so close, you figure you probably brought something you can't remember.   Perhaps a few candy bars is your thought. Your daily activity can simply be followed with the use of pre-programmed drones.  Some resemble birds, dragonflies etc. This is how they operate and to back their play, they use remote suggestion to keep you away from friends and family.  Drones have the capability to send sound in or out.  This is not always a sound you hear, it may be subliminal noise.  Subliminal messaging has been around in sales marketing for ages, this is just a higher tech version used by thieves.  For now if you find this unbelievable, read the study below then find someone's personal story on twitter by searching gang stalking, you would be surprised at how similar the tactics are and how many people are affected.  Remember, It's all about the money...these type of thieves don't generally work alone and will be there to escalate any situation you have for their own financial gain. Keep that in mind and work out your problems with your friends, neighbors or HOA so you can focus on what's really being targeted, your finances.

Stalking denotes a pattern of repeated, unwanted intrusion

Since the turn of the millennium, another term linked to stalking has gained currency in the media and on the world wide web—that of ‘group’ or ‘gang’ stalking. Stalking generally involves a single stalker, perhaps someone who holds a grudge although there is often a financial gain in some way to the stalker who may occasionally recruit others into stalking by proxy, their involvement usually being unwitting

By contrast, reports of group or gang-stalking describe stalking by multiple individuals who engage in a shared endeavour with a group purpose. 

For research purposes, the number is taken as three or more, although in many instances those suffering from the phenomenon have reported the involvement of far greater numbers..

None of the writers from narratives described their experiences having ended. 

All 50 authors stated or implied that they had been gang stalked for lengthy periods of time.

(One case study described having been targeted whilst living in three different countries). 

The shortest case was described as having begun “in the last few months” and the longest as continuing for “more than 22 years”.

Support from other gang-stalking victims through the Internet: 13 (26%)

i) Psychological/physical effects Psychological damage (1); isolation and loneliness (2); resentment/distress at being treated as crazy or paranoid (4); physical ailments as a result of stress caused by gang-stalking (8); and feelings of hopelessness (11). ii) Practical effects/losses Changed lifestyle (6); financial losses (7); efforts to escape from gang-stalkers (10). iii) Fighting back Determination to fight back (3); found support from other gang-stalking victims through the internet.

Noted that the experiences and quotes above would satisfy criteria for the red-flag violence risk items of “homicidal ideation” and “high-risk phenomena” in the stalking and threat risk assessment guides the Stalking Risk Profile and the Communications Threat Assessment Protocol.

(Physical ailments as a direct result of gang stalking. Those involving an exterior attack on the person. Physical, interference, intimidation and harassment (3); targeted by noise (6); and physical attacks (21). iii) Physical interference with the individual’s personal environment or possessions Physical surveillance/being followed (1); electronic surveillance (5); subject to electronic hacking (8); subject to clandestine, unauthorised entry to home (13); vandalism/theft of property (14); and family and friends also targeted (17). iv) Assault on reputation Targeted by slander/gossip) 

Showed producing ‘evidence’ of gang-stalking fails to persuade 

authorities to intervene .

Most studies complained they didn’t know why they were being stalked.(10 of 18.)

(Resentment/distress at being treated as crazy or paranoid:  (28%) 

Dismissing what I have lived with as nonsense is quite frankly offensive.”

“Of course, no one would listen, and I would simply be ignored as being ‘paranoid’ or ‘crazy’.”

 “And let’s face it . . . .. gang stalking is hardly in public consciousness as yet, so they will have the perfect cover to deny it! Hence the ‘you must be crazy’ epithets some of ‘They want you to sound crazy and be treated badly’. “ “ . . . telling me that I am crazy and I need help.”

**** See two pages of professional references on this topic below for more articles ****

References 1. Pathé, M.; Mullen, P.E. The impact of stalkers on their victims. Br. J. Psychiatry 1997, 170, 12–17. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 2. Pinals, D.A. (Ed.) Stalking: Psychiatric Perspectives and Practical Approaches. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, 1st ed.; Oxford University Press: New York, NY, USA, 2007. 3. Mullen, P.; Pathé, M.; Purcell, R. Stalking: New constructions of human behaviour. Aust. N. Z. J. Psychiatry 2001, 35, 9–16. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 4. Mullen, P.E.; Pathé, M.; Purcell, R. Stalkers and Their Victims, 2nd ed.; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2009. 5. Sheridan, L.; James, D.V. Complaints of group-stalking (‘gang-stalking’): An exploratory study of their nature and impact on complainants. J. Forensic Psychiatry Psychol. 2015, 26, 1–23. [CrossRef] 6. Basile, K.C.; Swahn, M.H.; Chen, J.; Saltzman, L.E. Stalking in the United States. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2006, 31, 172–175. [CrossRef] 7. Tjaden, P.; Thoennes, N. Stalking in America: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey; National Institute of Justice Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Atlanta, GA, USA, 1998. 8. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Experience of Stalking. 2017. Available online: http://www.abs.gov.au/ ausstats (accessed on 15 March 2020). 9. Breiding, M.J.; Smith, S.G.; Basile, K.C.; Walters, M.L.; Chen, J.; Merrick, M.T. Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence victimization—National intimate partner and sexual violence survey, United States, 2011. MMWR Surveill. Summ. 2014, 63, 1–18.10. Dressing, H.; Kuehner, C.; Gass, P. Lifetime prevalence and impact of stalking in a European population. Br. J. Psychiatry 2005, 187, 168–172. [CrossRef] 11. Narud, K.; Friestad, C.; Dahl, A.A. Stalking experiences and associated factors—A controlled population-based study from Norway. Nord. J. Psychiatry 2013, 68, 347–354. [CrossRef] 12. Office for National Statistics. Stalking: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales; Office of National Statistics: London, UK, 2018. Available online: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/ crimeandjustice/datasets/stalkingfindingsfromthecrimesurveyforenglandandwales (accessed on 15 March 2020). 13. Merrick, M.T.; Basile, K.C.; Zhang, X.; Smith, S.G.; Kresnow, M.-J. Characterizing Sexual Violence Victimization in Youth: 2012 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2018, 54, 596–599. [CrossRef] 14. Stieger, S.; Burger, C.; Schild, A. Lifetime prevalence and impact of stalking: Epidemiological data from Eastern Austria. Eur. J. Psychiatry 2008, 22, 235–241. [CrossRef] 15. Van Der Aa, S.; Kunst, M. The Prevalence of Stalking in The Netherlands. Int. Rev. Vict. 2009, 16, 35–50. [CrossRef] 16. Baum, K.; Catalano, S.; Rose, K. Stalking Victimization in the United States: National Crime Victimization Survey. PsycEXTRA Dataset 2013, 224527. 17. Catalano, S. Stalking victims in the United States—Revised (Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report); U.S. Department of Justice: Washington, DC, USA, 2012. Available online: http://bjs.gov/ (accessed on 15 March 2020). 18. Kamphuis, J.H.; Emmelkamp, P.M.G.; Bartak, A. Individual differences in post-traumatic stress following post-intimate stalking: Stalking severity and psychosocial variables. Br. J. Clin. Psychol. 2003, 42, 145–156. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 19. Kuehner, C.; Gass, P.; Dressing, H. Increased risk of mental disorders among lifetime victims of stalking—Findings from a community study. Eur. Psychiatry 2007, 22, 142–145. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 20. Purcell, R.; Pathé, M.; Baksheev, G.N.; MacKinnon, A.; Mullen, P. What mediates psychopathology in stalking victims? The role of individual-vulnerability and stalking-related factors. J. Forensic Psychiatry Psychol. 2012, 23, 361–370. [CrossRef] 21. Sarteschi, C.M. Mass Murder, Targeted Individuals, and Gang-Stalking: Exploring the Connection. Violence Gend. 2018, 5, 45–54.

[CrossRef] 22. Spitzberg, B.H. The Tactical Topography of Stalking Victimization and Management. Trauma Violence Abus. 2002, 3, 261–288. [CrossRef] 23. Mullen, P.E. A Modest Proposal for another Phenomenological Approach to Psychopathology. Schizophr. Bull. 2006, 33, 113–121. [CrossRef] 24. Guest, G.; Bunce, A.; Johnson, L. How Many Interviews Are Enough? Field Methods 2006, 18, 59–82. [CrossRef] 25. Reilly, J.; Kean, J. Information content and word frequency in natural language: Word length matters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2011, 108, E108. [CrossRef] 26. Braun, V.; Clarke, V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. 25. Reilly, J.; Kean, J. Information content and word frequency in natural language: Word length matters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2011, 108, E108. [CrossRef] 26. Braun, V.; Clarke, V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qual. Res. Psychol. 2006, 3, 77–101. [CrossRef] 27. Downe-Wambolt, B. Content analysis: Method, applications and issues. Health Care Women Int. 1992, 13, 313–321. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 28. Bengtsson, M. How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open 2016, 2, 8–14. [CrossRef] 29. Mitchell, J.T.; Sweitzer, M.M.; Tunno, A.M.; Kollins, S.H.; McClernon, F.J. “I Use Weed for My ADHD”: A Qualitative Analysis of Online Forum Discussions on Cannabis Use and ADHD. PLoS ONE 2016, 11, e0156614. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 30. Teasdale, E.; Muller, I.; Santer, M. Carers’ views of topical corticosteroid use in childhood eczema: A qualitative study of online discussion forums. Br. J. Dermatol. 2017, 176, 1500–1507. [CrossRef] 31. Zollo, F.; Bessi, A.; Del Vicario, M.; Scala, A.; Caldarelli, G.; Shekhtman, L.; Havlin, S.; Quattrociocchi, W. Debunking in a world of tribes. PLoS ONE 2017, 12, e0181821. [CrossRef] 32. Link, B.; Stueve, A.; Phelan, J. Psychotic symptoms and violent behaviors: Probing the components of “threat/control-override” symptoms. Soc. Psychiatry Psychiatr. Epidemiol. 1998, 33, S55–S60. [CrossRef] 33. Hodgins, S.; Hiscoke, U.L.; Freese, R. 

On the lighter side, see this amazing video below

This 21st Century crime is guaranteed to continue growing..”


I loved my new home, but didn’t know anyone here. My husband was gone for a week at a time and the kids in school daily. What to do, what to do, there is nothing but trees here I mused and watched a bird in my bush out the window. Daily this got to be a routine, I even named the bird. Soon I was taking pictures of him. What a character! His mate was always the last one in from all the birds in the morning and he paced impatiently back and forth on the top of the vehicles. Every day I watched this bird with my morning coffee, cleaned the house and went back to watching bird for 3 or 4 hours till the kids got home. One morning, sitting at my table drinking my coffee and watching the bird, I saw a truck pull up next door. No one lived there, tenants had moved out, the house next to me was also empty. There was never any traffic near me except the mail truck. Wow, some excitement I thought and happily watched the guy get out of his truck and go into the house. Well, that was a lot of excitement for the day! More than I had in a week. So I continued to watch, wouldn’t you? I grabbed another cup of coffee, took a few more photos of the bird and here he comes carrying copper piping out of the house. I didn’t think they used that here as everything I had was plastic. Probably he was putting in new pipes I thought as it was a work truck. He returned inside , came back outside twenty minutes later carrying out more copper pipes and got in his truck and left!

I was disappointed but then thought,

Maybe he wasn’t renovating for the owner!

I grabbed my camera and took a photo of the plate number as he drove away. 

He was driving slowly, maybe it’s nothing and he’s going to the dump I rationalized.

Still I didn’t feel right about it, maybe I should report it? The truck did look like a work truck with lettering and he had stayed in the house quite a while, a thief wouldn’t do that I thought. Well, if something comes of it I can give the homeowner the photos...I forgot about it. 

It is 2007.


Life continued on in the new house, soon I was working as warehouse manager assistant and in charge of all shipping for one of Grand Strand's largest importers.

The only problem with the new house was the local gas thief.  I could never fill my gas tank. With my large van costing 80.00 to fill, only to find the next day half of it gone every single time I went to the gas station, I quickly learned to put $5.00 only. This was a major annoyance and continued for years as here and there I would decide to fill it.

How can they know exactly when I fill the tank?

I wondered about the thief. A neighbor? I put this thought out of my head as the girl next to me just had a baby and was very nice, full of laughter and humor. The other side was two houses both men always doing things to help the community.

How the heck are they figuring out when to steal the gas?

At the time, I knew nothing about drones...was not even a thought in my head.

Who would think, or believe even that the large dragonfly always perching near me in the garden was the same dragonfly, and a drone? Or that later it would start to severely affect my health, drain my finances and almost destroy my family.

Unbelievable.......to be continued.

Recycling projects, photo shows little toy car made of tin cans, a paper angel and artwork made from plastic bottles advertises do it yourself projects in the daily news index compliments of FairyLand Farms.

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