Special Report

The Daily News Index

Special Report.

Are you informed?

Your family’s health and safety

May depend on it.

Don’t think this could happen to you? See our photos from one community

Not feeling well? Starting to have problems with your nervous system, memory and motor function ,slurring words or not being able to pronounce a word at all when using it in a sentence? Do you have a burning sensation, do you frequently get sick after eating?

Are you irritated, snapping at others or having thoughts you don’t normally have? How about problems with sinus irritation, swelling , ear pain and to the extreme your brain shaking and bumps appearing on your head. Are you having trouble with your chest, arteries, high blood pressure and at risk for stroke or heart attack? How about trouble breathing, have you developed asthma or bronchitis ,  lung disease? Are you having trouble walking, with balance? Are close friends avoiding you? How about your memory?  Do you put things down on a table, and can’t find them? Things you work with everyday,  difficult to locate? Only one shoe?  How about your home/ yard has it become a wreck?  Do you feel overwhelmed like your life is spiraling out of control? Are expensive repairs happening one after another? Are you having panic attacks, feeling scared for no reason at all? You may not believe the cause.

What is not being talked about is the fact that many thousands of people around the world are alleging that they are being similarly assaulted with directed-energy devices or targeted with organized stalking, which often accompanies harassment by directed energy.     It is too disturbing for the general public to accept.

“ It is easy for the highest levels of law enforcement to deny widespread harassment with these new-age weapons, because such devices enable invisible assaults through windows and walls and leave virtually no forensic trace.

"Criminals always benefit from new technologies that are largely unknown to the wider public and totally ignored by the authorities whose duty it is to ensure public safety. 

“Criminality loves a vacuum of law enforcement, and antisocial behavior thrives off anonymity and impunity.         

 “This 21st Century crime is guaranteed to continue growing..”

Continue to part 2

                My Story

I loved my new home, but didn’t know anyone here. My husband was gone for a week at a time and the kids in school daily. What to do, what to do, there is nothing but trees here I mused and watched a bird in my bush out the window. Daily this got to be a routine, I even named the bird.  Soon I was taking pictures of him. What a character! His mate was always the last one in from all the birds in the morning and he paced impatiently back and forth on the top of the vehicles. Every day I watched this bird with my morning coffee, cleaned the house and went back to watching bird for 3 or 4 hours till the kids got home. One morning, sitting at my table drinking my coffee and watching the bird, I saw a truck pull up next door. No one lived there, tenants had moved out, the house next to me was also empty.  There was never any traffic near me except the mail truck. Wow, some excitement I thought and happily watched the guy get out of his truck and go into the house. Well, that was a lot of excitement for the day! More than I had in a week. So I continued to watch, wouldn’t you? I grabbed another cup of coffee, took a few more photos of the bird and here he comes carrying copper piping out of the house. I didn’t think they used that here as everything I had was plastic.  Probably he was putting in new pipes I thought as it was a work truck. He returned inside , came back outside twenty minutes later carrying out more copper pipes and got in his truck and left!

Maybe he wasn’t renovating for the owner!

I grabbed my camera and took a photo of the plate number as he drove away. 

He was driving slowly, maybe it’s nothing and he’s going to the dump I rationalized, the first of many, many rationalizations.

Still I didn’t feel right about it, maybe I should report it? The truck did look like a work truck with lettering and he had stayed in the house quite a while, a thief wouldn’t do that I thought. Well, if something comes of it I can give the homeowner the photos...I forgot about it. 

It is 2007.


Life continued on in the new house, soon I was working as warehouse manager assistant and in charge of all shipping for one of Grand Strand's largest importers.

The only problem with the new house was I could never fill my gas tank. With my large van costing 80.00 to fill, only to find the next day half of it gone every single time I went to the gas station, I quickly learned to put $5.00 only. This was a major annoyance and continued for years as here and there I would decide to fill it.

How can they know exactly when I fill the tank? I wondered about the thief.  A neighbor? I put this thought out of my head as the girl next to me just had a baby and was very nice, full of laughter and humor. The other side was two houses both men always doing things to help the community.  How the heck are they figuring out when to steal the gas? At the time, I knew nothing about drones...was not even a thought in my head.  Who would think, or believe even that the large dragonfly always perching near me in the garden was the same dragonfly, and a drone? Or that later it would start to severely affect my health, and my family?Unbelievable.......to be continued.

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